Wednesday, 6 March 2013

March in the Ning

Hi everyone - it is our month faciliating in the NIng and I would invite you all to participate and keep the Ning vibrant especially during our month. The topic is "Adventuring with images and voice" and already there is a great discussion going on about free and low-cost imaging programs and what people are doing with images.Participants are also giving out plenty of links to resources as well. Look forward to seeing you in there contesting for the prize for the eLeader who contributes most to March in the Ning! I also hope you are travelling along well with your projects, you are all doing so many amazing things I am impressed with your commitment. Keep it up and I hope you are all benefitting from the learning. I know I am :)
Our next session in the online classroom is next Tuesday 12th March on creating a Voki avatar. I did run this at the end of last year but we didnt have enough people attend to run it so am offering the chance for people who could not make it then to join in with us next Tuesday. Look forward to seeing you. There are also other webinars advertised in the EVENTS section of the Ning as well. I am attending one today with Michael Chalk on using Dropbox for cloud storage. I am looking forward to it.

See you in the NING!

1 comment:

  1. The discussion is really humming.
    Lots of great recommendations for free software to try. It will keep me busy
    Great to see so many contribuing. I recommend that everyone go into the Ning and have a look lots of great ideas from lots of great experts!
